Am I the only one who feels like Monday is pure like death unspeakable death beyond death...  How does one take their Mondays back??? I know many of us feel like Sundays are the beginning of the week but if you aint working that aint you beginning of the week ( insert side eye) But seriously how does one make it over the Monday blues... For me I decided as always that this Monday I was going to get up early... Listen to my motivation and do my 7 minute exercise... and prepare myself for the day.. well lets just say that did not happen... Now don't get me wrong when that alarm clock went off this morning at 5:15 alarm went off I gently got up and pick my phone up... turn the alarm off and laid back down... so listen seriously iam going to get back in order and hopefully if you are like me you will get up and get back in order as well. I'm finding what I don't do on aint happening for the rest of the week... I would love to hear how you deal with your Mondays and what solutions you can have to get me out of the funk that I'am in each and every Monday morning. Mentally iam so prepared to take on the phone has my motivation on it and my meditation.. lol it just does not happen... Below iam going to attach some of my favorite things that honestly help me when I get going in the morning. I would love to hear how its helping you and even if you are using them

You guys are so amazing and awesome to read in on my journey...

*** Be sure to listen to me each and  every Thursday from 5-7 p.m.  pqradio1.comlive

***Here is my exercise link to loose  stuborn belly fat and guys trust me it really does work in a weeks time I've lost 2 inches off my belly

***Here is one of my best motivational speakers on the face of the planet... I know you guys are going to enjoy this...

**** And last but not lease.. my meditation video... now people are not fans of meditation but when I tell you its amazing...  Let me know what you guys think

***The vibe-tender***


  1. I would love to know your views on the blog above. please comment let me know you are here. if this was helpful for you please comment with a reaction above. I really appreciate the support


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