Overcome weekend havoc

While the weekend for some can be the beginning to a wonderful couple of days to relax. This is not the case for many of us... Our weekends start the beginning of crazy havoc and running around ..From shopping To football games...To date nights, phew sometimes we don't have moments to breath.

While there are only 60 hours in the weekend. There are some tips that will help you get the most of them so you can actually feel like you have had one. I know my weekends are always so full. From family gatherings to Church functions. I can hardly  breath. Its a grateful busy(ill discuss my weekend shortly) 

Ive located this very good article on-line that I thought would be excellent to use when planning out your weekend. https://www.fastcompany.com/3004128/your-weekend-has-60-hours-heres-how-wring-most-out-them. It was very interesting because the first thing that is listed is to plan your weekend. Now I know that I never ever plan my weekends or at least I don't think I do Things always just seem to pop up on my schedule and I'm like o.k. great and roll with the punches. One thing that is always normally planned is my volunteer work at my church. Do you guys volunteer? Its such a amazing thing to do and it does not take up a bunch of your time. There are many foodbanks that would love to have just a minute of you time. https://foodbanksbc.org/give-help/volunteer/  hav a look see into some of them I know you would enjoy it. very much.

Here is my weekend. I hope your guys pitch in and tell me some things that you have done. I would love to try them and post back later my experiences with them.

On Friday I had a event that went down hill. so I stayed in and hosted a three-part live showcasing my beautiful jewelry. While many cannot believe it out jewelry is amazing and of great quality. At only $5.00 each piece. I cannot keep these babies on hand. On of the things that I really liked about this piece is that it works well for homecomings, weddings,  and also prom season. Check out the link below and look under "blockbuster" tab


 So now on to Saturday. My Saturdays are filled with so many wonderful activates like laundry and house cleaning. But I just learned. from the link below to not place all of that work on your weekends. but I was able to help distribute food throughout the community.
Attached are our dates for the next two giveaways that we are going to have. All we ask is that you provide your own bags and bring your identification card with you (Located in Philadelphia)www.victoryoutreachministries.org check out the link for address and more information about V.O.M

While many say Sundays are used for resting and preparing for the workweek not here. I attended church and recieved a amazing word. My first lady was surprised for her birthday. We had a amazing set up done by non other than one of the event planners at our church. She is so amazing have a look see at her work she is also on f.b. as well and can be reached via email if and when you are going to need someone who is quick fast and efficient as well as very creative. Attached is some of her work along with a beautiful backdrop that was created as well.
 *** Customized treats that included popcorn taffies and candy apples. They were delish if you want to know. I personally had the chance to taste them. ***

When booking state that you were referred by "the vibe-tender" and receive free customization
(full design on all accessories)
OFFER ENDS 11/01/2018
Listen this has got to be the cutest backdrops ever. And check out the photo props as well... Get you picture taking on. if you guys would like to know how to get in contact with her. Attached is her email address.

Please guys feel free to reach out to me let me know how you guys made out planning for next weekend your thoughts and comments does my heart joy. Share my blog and follow me on

Google+(theVspot)- you can also hit the follow button from the left side of this page
Instagram: _Thebodyboutique

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Changed Val The "Vibetender"
Every Thursday night on pqradio1.comlive


  1. I would love to know your take on the links provided above please comment let me know you are here. if this was helpful for you please comment with a reaction above. I really appreciate the support.

  2. Haven't read them yet but think I may need to cause every weekend I say I'm going to relax I end up staying busy!!! Between my getting off Saturday morning and sleeping til late in the afternoon and no telling what I do to Sunday's church and spending time with my son and visiting my parents, I really feel like I need a BREAK !! But I'll definitely check out the articles.... when I'm not working, sleep or busy running because I havent

    1. thank you so much as long as you get them in. I promise they are not long at all. I appreciate you


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